
Sunday, January 02, 2005

hAppI NeW yEaR to all!! 2004 ended with tragedy.. the weather for the past 2 daes was especially bad...cold and no new year atmosphere at all.. the death toll jus dun stop increasing.. once the radio or tv is on, we will hear reports abt the tsunami victims... it seems that at the end of every year there will be something bad happening.. cHoY*** last yr.. anita mui passed away due to cancer.. this year is the worst in my 19 yrs so far.. lets all say a little prayer for the victims.. hope everything will be fine soon~~

I received an sms last night.. it says " Like birds, let us leave behind wat we don't need to carry- Grudges
Fear and Regrets.
Fly light. Life is beautiful! Happy New Yr!" Wow!!! This is the spirit we should have as we embrace 2005.. leave behind all e worries and unhappiness .. continue life with a smile :)

MY 5-dAY week~~ sianzzz...

SubjectType IndexNumber ClassType Group Day Time Venue Remark
AA101 00007 LEC LE1 THURS 1630-1830 MLT Wk1-13
TUT 7 MON 1030-1230 TR145A Wk1-13
AB102 00150 SEM 17 FRI 1330-1630 S3-SR3 Wk1-13
AB103 00159 LEC LE1 TUES 0830-1030 LT1A Wk1-13
TUT 4 MON 1230-1430 ITL6 Wk2,7,12
TR127 Wk1,3-6,8-11,13
AB112 00315 LEC LE1 TUES 1430-1630 LT1A Wk1-13
TUT 27 FRI 0830-1030 TR132 Wk1-13
HT101 21559 LEC LL WED 1530-1730 TR102 Wk1-13
TUT T2 TUES 1630-1730 TR99 Wk1-13

which means.. mon fr 1030 to 230, tues 830 - 630, wed 330- 530, thurs 430- 630, fri 830 - 430
Hope i can survive next sem.. with tuition and ge.. arh.. seems so packed... kampatei!!


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