wow.. its been 2 months since i last blogged.. hee pardon me.. well work is piling up man as the semester goes.. the "fortunate" me kena all the major project deadlines all in the same week.. hence my presentations are all in the same week too.. this would be about 1 week plus from now.. next next mon first presentation followed by tues another one.. and to worsen it wed i have a quiz!! fri would be an ungraded case presentation.. heng its ungraded..and a lot of things not started yet..oh no.. next week will be chiong all the way for projects.. and dunnoe if i have time to study for that quiz that i mentioned earlier.. coz now i got to study for quiz that is on the coming wed.. see ... who saes accountancy is slack.. ahhh... ok i thats all for the work and stress... hee.. now is photos with the cutie dog!!
since young i have been fearful of dogs though i think they are cute.. i just dun dare to stay near them and stroke them.. remember there was once i went my dad's fren house and i actually ran all the way to the toilet and locked myself up the moment i stepped into the house coz i saw it approaching me.. haha.. sounds silly right.. another at my fren's house too.. same thing happened... i ran for my life when the dog chased after me.. haha.. these happened when i was young.. now i learnt how to stop and pray hard it doesnt run after me..coz dogs dun run after u when u neva run right..haha..but gradually as i age.. i began to learn not to run love them.. i even stroked dogs!
this is the dog my uncle's fren gave him.. so cute.. and i actually dared to stroke it.. comb its hair.. and followed it around.. carried it back to its "home"..these are all taken at my grandma's house in msia..
adorable..and blur blur one.. isnt it?
it is afraid of thunder and shivers, shakes when it hears thunder and rain.. haha.. dink its damn pampered by the previous owner.. anyway it is not meant to guard house ba.. i guess.. its just those pet dog that accompanies owner in the house...
we are wondering if its trying to escape as it jus came to our house.. is it trying to find its old owner??
it enjoys the combing of its hair.. see how relaxed it is
doggie.. what are u looking at? hee.. or do i smell nice? haha
next up will be photos i took at the zoo at the beginning of the yr!! this time its not the small dog u all see above.. its big dogs.. and i actually dared to stand so near them.. ok .. i noe its nothing much for u.. haha but its a feat for me indeed..haha..
looks fierce and dao but is actually afraid of strangers!!! haha..after a while it stopped retreating and dared to take photos with us.. :)
and the big furry one.. the fur is nice.. i would definitely stay far far away from such a big dog if i were still young .. guess coz they are trained by the zoo trainers.. thats why so tamed and obedient while letting us take shots with them.. :) see.. me touching its fur!!!!
i just feel i beginning to love dogs and the fear of dogs dun seem to be the but recently when i went dear's house.. his neighbour's dog dunnoe for wat reason got out of the house while we were walking along the corridor!! i tot i was not so afraid of dogs now.. but i was so stunned and frightened that i stood still as the dog ran at full speed to my legs and try to stand up using my legs as then licked my legs.. my goodness.. i felt the paws scratch my legs!!! ah.. now i have phobia walking along that corridor..its those kind of skinny dog.. and super hyperactive one.. barks non stop.. scary man.. still could recall how it ran towards me with no warning..
haiz.. conclusion is i have not totally overcome my fear of dogs.. dink the most harmless dog is still the msia doggy.. doggy u are still the best..
at least u dun anyhow bark at me.. hee..