yeah!!! feel a sense of relief finally.. now dat my last presentation is over! haha.. so happy.. so now its 100% on exams.. v scared.. have been so lost during tuts lately.. dun understand a lot of stuff.. jialat.. really need a tutor man! haha.. i seem to have the concentration long long time ago.. have forgot how to mug le.. when i read things go out from e right and exit from the other side.. dunnoe which side it enters and exits though.. ok..haha i trying to be funni.. pardon me lah.. esp during such a stressed peroid.. gonna study else where except the room man.. e comp is an evil tool!! msn.. so gonna go lib or tut rms to study.. really got to buck up on everything man..
haiz.. dunnoe what's wrong with me.. is my heart made of stone? no wonder pple always sae i have a stone face.. maybe i got a stone heart also.. haha.. dunnoe lah.. but to sae that my heart did not soften at all is a lie.. okok.. i am crapping.. gonna go sleep le.. still v full.. had lunch at 2 plus.. shall take a nap first before hving dinner.. off to lala land le.. buaiz..
~ sometimes we may feel happiness is far ..coz we need something we called fAte to bring us there~ u agree??